Volume I.
Page 143, lines 9 and 10 from top, instead of “state their wishes to the rioters,” read, “learn the wishes of the rioters.”
Volume II.
Page 52. “The Prince,” chapter 16, 3d line, instead of the words, “indulged in so that you will no longer be feared, will prove injurious. For liberality worthily exercised, as it should be, will not be recognized,” read, “practised so that you are not reputed liberal, will injure you. For liberality worthily exercised, as it should be, will not be known,” &c.*
Note. * This erroneous translation resulted from a difference in the text of the Testine Edition (1550), which was used by me in the translation of “The Prince.” Page 39, chap. 16, 2d and 3d lines, read “Nondimanco la liberalita usata in modo, che tu non sia temuto, ti offende.” It should be, “che tu non sia tenuto.”
C. E. D.