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It follows also how a relation is said to result from the positing of the terminus without any physical mutation, which proposition St. Thomas often affirms from the understanding of Aristotle, especially as expressed in the Commentary on the Physics of Aristotle, Book V, reading 3, and in the Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, Book I dist. 26, q. 2, art. 1, reply to obj. 39, where St. Thomas says that when a relation ceases that cessation makes not the slightest change in the thing itself which is referred, for this cessation is understood to occur without a physical and entitative mutation, only by means of the resultance of a new mode, which proposition St. Thomas does not deny, but manifestly posits to be the case in the passage cited from the Commentary on Book V of the Physics, saying that the root of a relation, which exists in another, is determined anew when the relation is posited toward this or toward that, even though nothing new occurs [i.e., even though nothing changes within the root].

Poinsot: Tractatus de Signis Appendix C


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