past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Collected Works of Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin.
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution
Appendix IX: The “Undivided Family”

Appendix IX: The “Undivided Family”

A number of valuable works on the South Slavonian Zadruga, or “compound family,” compared to other forms of family organization, have been published since the above was written; namely, by Ernest Miler (Jahrbuch der Internationaler Vereinung für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft und Volkswirthschaftslehre []Yearbook of the International Association for Comparative Law and Economics, 1897), and I.E. Geszow’s Zadruga in Bulgaria, and Zadruga-Ownership and Work in Bulgaria (both in Bulgarian). I must also mention the well-known study of Bogisic (De la forme dite ‘inokosna’ de la famille rurale chez les Serbes et les Croates [The so-called 'inokosna' form of the rural family among Serbs and Croats], Paris, 1884), which has been omitted in the text.